Chloe Nicholls - A. XANDERS
Meet the author Chloe Nicholls is an author of fiction and contemporary romance. Tell us about yourself, who are you? I am a wife and mother first and foremost. My daughter is 7 years old and in Kindergarten. We live in North Texas where it is hot most of the year! I love to write and have been writing since I was a kid. I used to partake in writing contests and now I am finally publishing books! What motivates you as an author? My passion for stories. I really love messages intertwined in a great fiction novel. Women’s fiction is where it all began for me. Female empowerment is what I value in the books I read and write. Why did you choose romance as your genre to write? Romance is the greatest kind of self-sacrifice – choosing to love against all odds and every obstacle. To me love isn’t a feeling of lust or superficial; I want to write love that walks through the fire and inspires true love. What do you like most about writing romance? I think just as I said above. What I like most is conveying that love and romance can empower each other and increase through hardships. It isn’t something that is fleeting and it’s more than lust. What genres have you written besides romance, if any? Is there a genre you haven’t tried yet but want to in the future? I want to try horror (or psychological thriller). I really enjoy getting into the psychosis of a criminal and trying to figure out why he/she is thinking what they are and doing what they are doing. How many books have you written? Which is your favourite? I have written three full- length novels and one novella. It’s hard to choose my favorite, but possibly the third book in my current series. Love is Forgiving. Learning to forgive in all different areas of relationships. It’s been inspiring just digging into the heart of my characters and teaching them how to let go and find healing through forgiveness. Divider What do you like to do when you are not writing? Spending time with my family, watching Netflix or movies, and reading lots of books! Which is your favorite season to write in, and why? I’m not sure, I’ll have to think about it. Perhaps winter since winter romances are so much fun to write about 🙂 If you had the opportunity to live anywhere in the world for a year while writing a book that took place in that same setting, where would you choose? Perhaps London. I think that would be a great setting for a novel, plus you can travel around other European countries and learn different cultures while writing stories! What does being a successful author look like to you? Finishing my stories, providing my reader’s with quality stories, and publishing them. I don’t think money is the most important aspect, although it would be great to make a lot from them! Success is measured by completing the process and being proud of what I (or you) have done. How important are names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? A little bit of both. I think certain names are important in revealing a person’s character. What is your latest book about? What inspired you to write it? Love is Forgiving is about a couple who is on the brink of divorce and all these things come out into the light about each of them and why their family life is crumbling. I wanted to write a story that could teach the power of forgiveness. Spread the word Facebook Twitter Google-plus Linkedin Snapchat