Writing Habit

Imagine you planned to achieve something very special at the beginning of the year, but when the year ended, you realized that you have not achieved your resolution.

Horrible? Yes, it is horrible.

Many people make resolutions and fail badly, so did I. I made a resolution of writing every day in 2019. I initially started writing every day because I wanted to write a book, but it was so much more than just writing. It needed my time and attention. I tried to do every possible thing to make it a habit. Eventually, life is full of challenges, I got stuck.

In the middle of 2019, again, I tried. This time I made a goal sheet to achieve. I started writing a short story, finished and published it. Then I got addicted to writing and finished rough drafts of two children’s short stories.

Last week I signed up to a writing challenge, which is a 7-day writing challenge. The write practice team challenged writers all around the world to take part in that amazing challenge. I enjoyed writing every day and finished two short stories and three chapters of a novel I’m currently working on. I also edited three of my short stories and then I was back on track. It was fun to be back on track after Holidays.

Amazing? Of course.

Getting into a habit is difficult you need to make a track of things you want to write, that’s what I have learned. If you get in the habit of daily writing, it will help your ideas flowing for the rest of the day.

Do you feel like you don’t have time to carry out your goals every day?

Make time.

At first I started by writing whenever I had time during the day. Sometimes it was in the morning, sometimes it was at night. I spent the whole day to finding time to write. Eventually I settled on writing first thing in the morning every day. In the morning I feel fresh.

A Check List

Make a list of reasonable goals you want to achieve in a year. Break them into monthly goals. Then into weekly goals.

See you have a checklist to work on!

Was it helpful? Tell me in the comments section.

Until then happy writing.






  • Zohaib

    It is really helpful article, I am so much busy in my daily routine work, I thought that it’s almost impossible for me to write about anything on daily basis, but your article gave me confidence that I can takeout some time to write about my daily or weekly goals and this will help me to maintain my whole day and week… Thanks for the encouragement by your writing 😊.


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